We operate differently from other newsrooms, which engage with the daily news cycle. Our reporting process can last weeks or months rather than hours or days, and our work is driven by a commitment to sparking change through impact-driven journalism and community engagement.
This is an exciting time to join the UK’s largest not-for-profit newsroom at a crucial point in the organisation’s growth. You can read more about us and our mission here.
Our areas of reporting include:
Environment - how industrial food and banking investments are devastating the planet and driving climate change
Big Tech - how governments and private companies are using data; workers' rights in the tech economy; the actions and impact of social media companies on society and politics; surveillance tech and AI
Global Health - systemic harms and barriers to proper healthcare around the world including: medical supply chains, drug companies and proliferation of disease world wide
Enablers - investigating global corruption, offshore finance, reputation laundering and how UK executives, lawyers and advisors are enabling oligarchs, dictators and criminals around the world
Bureau Local - stories revealing the power, decisions and policies that threaten the interests of people across the UK. Topics include: local governance, housing and vulnerable communities
You can read stories produced by each area on our website here.