The World Energy Council was created in 1923, when visionary Daniel Dunlop brought together 40 countries to discuss the problems facing the global energy industry. Ever since, the World Energy Council has been non-governmental and non-commercial. The Council has withstood many changes, from geopolitical and economic upheavals to a complete shift in the way people understand and use energy. It has had to adapt to a changing world. Throughout history, it has never strayed from the initial concept of an organisation that is impartial, objective and realistic. As a result, its analyses and agendas for action have always promoted sustainable energy for all.
Today, The World Energy Council has almost 100 national member committees. Its member list includes governments, businesses and expert organisations. The World Energy Congress, held over 20 times since the organisation’s founding, is the world’s premier energy gathering. The World Energy Council continues to build on its long, stable history as a key player on the global energy scene.