In their mutual and strong commitment to support early career researchers and intra-European mobility, with a set goal of advancing neuroscience research and training in Europe, FENS and the IBRO Pan-Europe Regional Committee (IBRO-PERC) are pleased to announce the launch of the FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships Program.
About International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)
I have had a unique opportunity to appreciate how effective IBRO is as a really worldwide organization in neuroscience, highly flexible and with minimal bureaucracy. Relying on human power, creativity and generosity, IBRO does not represent any national strategy or policy, and truly gathers all of them. Despite fantastic progress and technological and scientific achievements in brain research, the global village of neuroscience is still far from being global. Lots of work is needed. � Marina Bentivoglio, IBRO Secretary General (2007-2009) IBRO is the global federation of neuroscience orga... continue reading

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IBRO Exchange Fellowships
Aim and Benefits of IBRO Exchange Fellowships
Directed at Master and PhD students as well as early-career postdocs in Europe, this program aims to foster and broaden their scope of methodological training by supporting goal-directed laboratory visits in established European laboratories
Maximum grant amount: EUR 4,000
IBRO Exchange Fellowships Courses
Requirements for IBRO Exchange Fellowships Qualification
To apply, candidates must:
- Be Master or PhD students in neuroscience or early postdoctoral fellows (within 5 years of starting their postdoc) currently based in Europe.
- Applicants resident in Africa, Asia and Latin America should apply via the general IBRO Exchange Fellowships program page here.
- Be members of a FENS member society, individual FENS members, or members of an IBRO organization in the Pan-Europe region that is not a FENS member (see list below*).
- Have acceptance from the host laboratory.
- Have recommendation from the home laboratory.
* Eligible organizations include Armenian IBRO Association; Austrian Academy of Sciences; Israel Academy of Sciences & Humanities; Italian Association of NeuroImmunology; Russian Academy of Sciences; Slovak Academy of Sciences; Trisomy 21 Research Society (T21RS, Spain); Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; Brain Research Society (BARD) in Turkey.
Interview date, Process and Venue for IBRO Exchange Fellowships
Your application will be evaluated based on:
- The scientific quality of the proposed project.
- The value of the exchange for your training and research.
- The concrete scientific outcomes expected from the fellowship.
- The suitability of the candidate for the proposed project.
- The feasibility of achieving the fellowship objectives within the proposed timeframe.
Fellowship Specifications
- Duration: 4 weeks (minimum) to 4 months (maximum). Stays exceeding 4 months must detail additional funding sources and outcomes for the FENS/IBRO-PERC-supported period.
- Location: Both home and host laboratories must be based in Europe, and the exchange must involve a change of country.
- Timeline: The fellowship must be completed within one year of being awarded.
- Budget Restrictions: Eligible expenses include travel (economy class) and housing. Insurance, equipment, groceries, and personal items are not covered.
- Report Submission: A final report is required within two months of completing the fellowship.
- Application Limitation: Candidates may submit only one application for one fellowship at one host laboratory per application round.
- Payment Structure: 60% of the grant will be awarded at least two weeks before the fellowship begins, with the remaining 40% provided upon completion of the exchange and submission of the grant report.
Application Deadline
April 15, 2025How to Apply
Interested and qualified? Go to
International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) on to apply
Application deadlines
Biannually – on 15 April and 15 October (midnight, Brussels time)
For more details visit: IBRO website.