
The Colt Foundation 2025 Scientific Fellowship in UK (Fully-funded)

The Colt Foundation 2025 Scientific Fellowship in UK (Fully-funded)

As part of its Academic Research Initiative, the Colt Foundation invites applications from scientific (non-clinical) post-doctoral researchers intending to pursue a career in occupational and environmental health research, for a five-year fellowship to be co-funded by the Colt Foundation and a host university in the UK.


About The Colt Foundation

The Colt Foundation was established by the O’Hea family under a Trust Deed dated 28 August 1978, with gifts of shares in Colt International and Associated Companies Limited. The Colt Foundation funds high quality research in environmental and occupation health with a particular interest in research projects that are likely to inform policy and working practices and thereby improve the health and wellbeing of workers and the wider population.... continue reading

The Colt Foundation

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The Colt Foundation Scientific Fellowship

Application Deadline07 Apr 2025
Country to studyUnited Kingdom
Course to studyView courses
SponsorThe Colt Foundation
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of The Colt Foundation Scientific Fellowship

The award from the Colt Foundation will cover 100% of the full-time salary for a scientific post-doctoral researcher to be employed by a UK university at senior researcher / lecturer level for up to five years.  We would allow up to the equivalent of one days teaching a week.   

The award will in addition provide up to £150K research costs (consumables, travel etc) to support an initial project led by the successful applicant. There will be an expectation that the fellow will apply for further funding to the Colt Foundation or other suitable funders as part of their developing research programme during the fellowship.  Where it is agreed with the host university, the fellowship may be extended on a pro rata basis for a holder who wishes to work part-time.

The Colt Foundation Scientific Fellowship Courses

Requirements for The Colt Foundation Scientific Fellowship Qualification

The applicant will already have a track record of high-quality research in areas such as health, safety, comfort and well-being of people at work, and the impacts of industrial activities and pollutants on the health of the public more widely.  At the start of the fellowship be at least three years, but no more than 10 years FTE, post award of their PhD.  They should be aiming to pursue a career in occupational and/or environmental health research, but not yet be operating as an independent researcher.

Application Deadline

April 7, 2025

How to Apply

Applications must be made in conjunction with a host UK university that undertakes to employ the applicant at the equivalent of senior researcher / lecturer level for at least five years (full-time equivalent) if they are successful. The host university must be able to place the applicant in a department with a successful track record of occupational health research that will provide appropriate facilities, support and mentorship.

There is no application form, but applications should contain the following:

  • An outline of the work planned, and any training to be undertaken, during the period of the fellowship

  • The name and contact details of the applicant and of the head of the department in which the fellowship would be undertaken

  • The CV of the applicant

  • A short statement of no more than one side of A4 regarding the applicant’s long-term career ambitions

  • A proposal for an initial research project that would be funded by the Colt Foundation as part of the Fellowship (typically for three years in the first instance), setting out: the relevant scientific background; the question(s) that would be addressed by the research; what data would be collected and how; how those data would be analysed to address the study question(s); any ethical considerations relevant to the research and how they would be managed; the planned timeline for the research; plans for publication; the funding that is requested (up to a maximum of £150K) with justification; and any other support and facilities that would contribute to the research. This proposal should not exceed 3000 words.

  • A letter of support from the head of department at the host university, explaining: how the applicant’s research would integrate with that of the department more widely; what facilities and mentorship would be made available to support the applicant if successful; and confirmation that the host university would be willing to employ the applicant at senior researcher / lecturer level over the course of the fellowship.

Applications should be submitted to the Foundation’s Director, Mrs Tash Heydon by email ([email protected]) or by post.  Fellowships are awarded in competition.  After initial short-listing, a subset of applicants is invited to interview, on the basis of which, the final selection is made.

For more details visit: TCF website.

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