Published: 15 Nov 2024 298 views
The Colt Foundation aims particularly to support research projects concerning the health, safety, comfort and well-being of people at work, and the impacts of industrial activities and pollutants on the health of the public more widely. The Trustees have occasionally supported projects that fall outside these areas, but they are very much the exception.
The Trustees meet twice a year to consider applications for project grants from research teams based at UK universities. Applications must be received approximately 12 weeks before a meeting so that reviews can be obtained from external assessors in advance of the meeting.
Dates of forthcoming Trustees’ meetings, and deadlines for submission of proposals to be considered at those meetings can be found in our diary of events. In addition, potential applicants can submit a single sheet lay summary at any time during the year, to get advice on whether the work that they propose falls within the remit of the Foundation, and whether it could be worth proceeding to a full application.
The Colt Foundation was established by the O’Hea family under a Trust Deed dated 28 August 1978, with gifts of shares in Colt International and Associated Companies Limited. The Colt Foundation funds high quality research in environmental and occupation health with a particular interest in research projects that are likely to inform policy and working practices and thereby improve the health and wellbeing of workers and the wider population.... continue reading
Application Deadline | 03 Feb 2025 |
Country to study | United Kingdom |
Type | Fellowship |
Course to study | View courses |
Sponsor | The Colt Foundation |
Gender | Men and Women |
The Trustees are particularly keen to fund research that can lead directly or indirectly to benefits for health through changes in clinical or employment practices, or in public health policy.
Be a research teams based at UK universities.
Applications involving research on people and/or human tissues must be approved by an ethics committee.
The Foundation monitors its research projects through annual review meetings, and the trustees may appoint an external assessor to advise on project progress. Grants are not made to the general funds of other charities, or directly to individuals, or to projects based outside the UK (although projects may entail collection of data in other countries).
Project grant costs
The Colt Foundation will only support the directly incurred costs of research and do not pay indirect or directly allocated costs, these are primarily the responsibility of the university. As universities cost research according to full economic cost (FEC). This identifies directly incurred costs, directly allocated costs and indirect costs.
Directly incurred costs
The direct costs of research include:
Not acceptable
Directly allocated costs
These are shared costs based on estimates and do not represent actual costs on a project-by-project basis. They may include:
Indirect costs
These costs are necessary for underpinning research but cannot be allocated to individual projects. They usually cover computing and information support, central services, general maintenance, lighting, heating and other infrastructure costs.
Pre-full submission
Before making a full submission, you are required to provide a brief (not more than one-page) summary of your proposal which answers the following questions:
You are recommended to submit a draft of this summary at least 6 weeks before the deadline for submitting the full proposal so that we can advise you whether your project is within remit for funding and whether the proposal is likely to be competitive.
Format for applications
We do not rigidly specify the format of project grant applications. However, they should clearly set out:
In addition, all applications should include a lay summary. This is essential since some of the Trustees do not have a medical or scientific background, and the summary may help them in choosing between the different applications that are under consideration.
Applications are not expected to exceed 3,000 words, excluding references, the lay summary and justification of resources. Brief CV’s, not exceeding two sides of A4 paper, should be attached for each of the major applicants.
All applications must be submitted as one microsoft word document, not multiple .pdf files, including CV’s and letters of support.
For more details visit: TCF website.