
University of Lausanne (UNIL) 2024-2025 Masters Scholarships for Excellence and Exclusive International Students, Switzerland

Masters Scholarships are scholarships for excellence awarded, exclusively to students who have graduated from a foreign university and whose academic results are of a very high level.

UNIL grants around ten scholarships a year.

With regard to this, we invite candidates to consult the page about the reference budget of a student at UNIL.

About University of Lausanne (UNIL)

The UNIL was born in 1537. It was then intended for the training of pastors. The only French-speaking Protestant theology school, it enjoyed great notoriety at that time. Over the centuries, the number of chairs has increased and teaching has diversified. In 1890, the Academy received the name and status of university. In 1970, she gradually left the center of Lausanne to settle in Dorigny. The end of the 20th century witnessed an important cooperation and development project between the universities of Lausanne, Geneva, Neuchâtel and EPFL. In 2003, two new Facu... continue reading

University of Lausanne (UNIL)

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UNIL Masters Scholarships

Application Deadline01 Nov 2023
Country to studySwitzerland
School to studyUniversity Of Lausanne
SponsorUniversity of Lausanne (UNIL)
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of UNIL Masters Scholarships

The scholarship is granted for the minimum statutory period of the programme chosen by the student. It amounts to CHF 1,600 per month from 15 September to 15 July (or 10 months a year) for the complete duration of the masters (one and a half years or two years depending on the chosen masters), with the exception of cases of definitive failure after the first year.

Students offered a scholarship will be exempt from the fixed registration fees for the courses, with the exception of the CHF 80.00 fees to be paid each semester.

Candidates are made aware of the fact that the sum of the scholarship awarded is not sufficient to live in Switzerland. It is not a fully funded scholarship.

Requirements for UNIL Masters Scholarships Qualification

Candidates whose academic results are of a very high level (there is no list with required grades by country available).

Candidates must have graduated from a foreign university only: their qualification/university degree must be deemed equivalent to a Swiss university bachelor’s degree (180 ECTS credits). If the Masters Scholarship application file is complete, the Admissions Office (SII) will decide if the candidate is formally eligible. If this is the case, the application file will be forwarded to the faculty which will take a decision whether the candidate is admitted to the chosen master programme or not.

Students with a foreign university degree who have already begun a Masters programme at UNIL or who are in their preparatory year are not authorised to apply.

The list of all master’s degrees at UNIL for which it is possible to apply, can be found at this address.

It is however not possible to apply for the following master programmes:

  • Master from the School of Medicine
  • Master in Sciences and Practices of Education
  • Master of Law. Exceptions: Open to applications for Masters Scholarships : Specialisms "International and Comparative Law", "Legal Theory" and "International Tax Law and Policy"
  • Master of Science in Physical Education and Sport Didactics
  • Master of Science in Health Sciences
  • Master of Science in Sustainable Management & Technology
  • All MASs (3rd cycle programmes, Further Education programmes)

Additional requirements:

For the Master in psychology, students holding a foreign Bachelor in psychology must have obtained a place of study for a master in psychology at a university in the country where the bachelor was awarded.

Interview date, Process and Venue for UNIL Masters Scholarships

The online application for the academic year 2024-2025 opens on 1 September 2023 and the deadline is 1 November 2023. 

  • 1 November: Application deadline
  • November to December: Processing of applications by SASME and the Admissions Office (SII)
  • December to January: The SASME informs candidates whose application is incomplete or has not been accepted by the Admissions Office that their application for the scholarship has been unsuccessful.
  • January to February: Complete applications are transferred to the faculties for consideration of their eligibility for the chosen master’s degrees.
  • February to March: The SASME informs candidates whose application has not been accepted by the faculty.
  • March: The Selection Board for the Masters Scholarships selects the candidates who will be offered a Masters Scholarship.
  • Early April: Candidates are informed of the Selection Board's decision.

NB: Decisions may not be appealed!

Application Deadline

November 1, 2023

How to Apply

The application form for the Masters Scholarship also serves as an application for ADMISSION to the chosen Master's program (and hence as a matriculation form at UNIL): you therefore do not need to apply for the master’s degree at the Admission Office (SII) of UNIL.

Candidates for the Masters Scholarship must apply online and upload their complete application file in PDF during the online application (refer to the document in the margin, "list of documents for an application"). Application files in PDF sent by email and incomplete application files will not be considered.

Additionally, for candidates with a bachelor issued from a university based in a State which did not ratify the Lisbon Recognition Convention , a certified copy in a sealed envelope of the university of the university documents has to be sent by postal mail. Please consult the procedure to follow regarding the certified copies (see information in the blue box). The sealed envelope with the certified copies of the university must be sent to the following address within the deadline of November 1st (post mark), but only if the online application was filled in and sent successfully.

Université de Lausanne
Service des affaires sociales et de la mobilité étudiante (SASME)
Bâtiment Unicentre
CH - 1015 Lausanne

Candidates with a bachelor issued from a university based in a State which did ratify the Lisbon Recognition Convention  must not send certified copies by postal mail.

The application for the Masters Scholarship also serves as an application for admission to your chosen masters (and therefore an application to register at UNIL).

The deadline for an application is November 1st to begin a master’s degree during the following academic year, in the autumn semester or the spring semester (if the programme allows). The online application must be sent until that date. For the certified copies in a sealed envelope of the university (if required) the date of the post mark will attest to the date sent (last deadline November 1st).

Incomplete application files will not be considered! (Particularly those lacking the certified copies of the university documents in a sealed envelope of the university, if required)

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