ACU Fellowships facilitate collaboration at a distance and the creation of valuable new partnerships between member universities in different countries. From climate action to engineering, we have a wide variety of fellowships available in 2023 across different fields for ACU member university staff. This funding is intended for virtual collaboration only and will not fund physical travel.?
- Accountancy Fellowship (Worshipful Company of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales)
- Agriculture, Forestry & Food Science Fellowship (George Weston Limited)
- Canada Fellowships – Three fellowships are available. The Canada Fellowship (Gordon and Jean Southam) is for application by a Canadian member to partner with an institution outside Canada. The second Canada fellowship will be awarded to a member outside Canada to partner with a Canadian institution.
- Hong Kong Jockey Club Fellowships – Three fellowships are available. One will be awarded to a staff member from a Hong Kong member institution applying to work with a partner overseas, and the other to a staff member from an institution outside Hong Kong applying to work with a partner in Hong Kong.
- Information Technology and Computer Science Fellowship (Jacky McAleer Memorial)
- Swansea Fulton Climate Action Fellowships – Two fellowships are available. They are open to application by staff of ACU member universities outside the UK to partner with a researcher at Swansea University. The fellowships will be awarded for research which aims to improve understanding of the effects of climate change and develop solutions to mitigate its impact on our planet and society
About Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)
The ACU is an international organisation dedicated to building a better world through higher education. We believe that international collaboration is central to this ambition. By bringing universities together from around the world – and crucially the people who study and work within them ? we help to advance knowledge, promote understanding, broaden minds, and improve lives. We champion higher education as a cornerstone of stronger societies, supporting our members, partners, and stakeholders.
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ACU Fellowships
Aim and Benefits of ACU Fellowships
The maximum value of each fellowship is GBP 5,000.
Requirements for ACU Fellowships Qualification
The fellowships are primarily intended for academic and professional staff of ACU member universities. In some circumstances they can be used for collaboration between universities and the private sector – for more details of this please email [email protected]
Application Deadline
May 29, 2023
How to Apply
Interested and qualified? Go to
Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) on to apply
Applicants must first identify and approach a collaborator at an ACU member university in a country other than the one where the applicant is employed.
The application form will require all applicants to:
- Summarise the work you plan to carry out during the Fellowship, and how the collaboration will benefit the project. Explain why you have chosen to collaborate with your partner institution for the project rather than any other.
- Describe the projected impact of the Fellowship work.
- Explain how you expect the Fellowship to benefit your own professional development.
- List the planned outputs of the Fellowship.
- Submit a time plan of the work, which must commence from September 2023 and have finished by August 2024.
- List the costs associated with the Fellowship. These can include staff time, consumables, internet access and data, equipment, research data management, travel and accommodation costs, impact and engagement and open access.
- Submit a letter or email of support from your head of department at your home institution.
- Submit a letter or email of support from the collaborator at your partner institution.
For more details, visit ACU website.