
Call for Applications: RHF Norman Webster Fellowship 2025

Call for Applications: RHF Norman Webster Fellowship 2025

The Norman Webster Fellowship is being established to honour the legacy of the late Norman Webster and his contributions to Canadian public service journalism. It is intended to amplify the ecosystems of small Canadian newsrooms; recognizing their critical role in keeping communities connected through their local news, providing a diversity of voices and opinions, and maintaining journalistic independence. Designed to address current needs in Canadian journalism, the Norman Webster Fellowship will also help early career journalists explore new opportunities and gain important experience. While its themes may evolve through each iteration in consultation with its jury, stakeholders, recipients and newsrooms, its core will remain rooted in public service journalism.

About Rideau Hall Foundation (RHF)

The Rideau Hall Foundation (RHF) is a nonpartisan national charitable organization established to amplify the impact of the office of the Governor General as a central institution of Canadian democracy, and to better serve Canadians through a range of initiatives linked to learning, leadership, giving and innovation.

Rideau Hall Foundation (RHF)

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Norman Webster Fellowship

Application Deadline21 Mar 2025
SponsorRideau Hall Foundation (RHF)
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of Norman Webster Fellowship

Two fellowships, one for each English and French media, will be awarded every 24 months to independent, local Canadian newsrooms, valued up to $125,000 each, providing a unique opportunity to produce a groundbreaking story or series of stories, give opportunities to an early career journalist, and potentially partner with a national media outlet to further the reach and impact of their work. All resulting stories produced as part of the Webster Fellowship will be translated into either French or English to connect with a wider Canadian audience.

Requirements for Norman Webster Fellowship Qualification

To apply for the Norman Webster Fellowship, you must be a newsroom executive with authority over the proposed journalistic project. Preference will be given to:

  • A non-partisan local news organization based in Canada, serving small- to medium-sized communities (i.e. this fellowship is not for national media).
  • Local news organizations are defined as news outlets that maintain independence from those they cover, demonstrate a commitment to accuracy and transparency in reporting methods, and are devoted primarily to reporting on and for communities within a defined geographic area.
  • Preference will be given to applicants that would normally not be expected to have access to the resources required by this journalistic undertaking.

Interview date, Process and Venue for Norman Webster Fellowship


  • Must be an independent local media outlet. Media is de?ned as print, broadcast or digital media. All forms of story-telling including text, photos, graphics, video and audio are eligible.
  • Project must be investigative in nature, with a strong focus on public service journalism with notable impact for the community.
  • Applications are required to include the hiring of at least one early-career journalist, de?ned as having 2-6 years of experience, to either lead or contribute to an investigation or cover a new beat, or to backfill day-to-day newsroom activities so as to provide an in-house reporter with this opportunity. Newsrooms will be responsible for assigning/hiring this individual.
  • The project can be new or something that is already being worked on.

Adjudication process

The Michener Awards and Fellowships pride themselves on their independent and objective adjudication process. The Norman Webster fellowship will be judged by an adjudication body reporting to the Michener Awards Foundation Board.

  • Applications will open on January 6, 2025 and will close on March 21, 2025
  • Applications will be accepted in both English and French.
  • Announcements of fellowship winners will be made in June, 2025 in conjunction with the Michener Awards ceremony at Rideau Hall.


Application Deadline

March 21, 2025

How to Apply

Interested and qualified? Go to Rideau Hall Foundation (RHF) on to apply

For more details, visit RHF website.

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